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Resolve "mc_info_extractor for neutrino reco chain"

Merged Daniel Guderian requested to merge 15-mc_info_extractor-for-neutrino-reco-chain into master
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@@ -13,442 +13,488 @@ import numpy as np
from import HDF5Header
from h5py import File
__author__ = 'Daniel Guderian'
__author__ = "Daniel Guderian"
def get_std_reco(blob):
Function to extract std reco info. The implemented strategy is the following:
First, look for whether a rec stag has been reached and only then extract the reconstructed
paramater from it. If not, set it to a dummy value (for now 0). This means that for an analysis the events with
exactly zero have to be filtered out!
The 'best track' is the first (highest lik) while a certain rec stage has to be reached. This might
have to be adjusted for other recos than JMuonGandalf chain.
Members of the Tracks:
dtype([('E', '<f8'), ('JCOPY_Z_M', '<f4'), ('JENERGY_CHI2', '<f4'), ('JENERGY_ENERGY', '<f4'),
('JSTART_NPE_MIP', '<f4'), ('JSTART_NPE_MIP_TOTAL', '<f4'), ('JVETO_NPE', '<f4'), ('JVETO_NUMBER_OF_HITS', '<f4'),
('dir_x', '<f8'), ('dir_y', '<f8'), ('dir_z', '<f8'), ('id', '<i4'), ('idx', '<i8'), ('length', '<f8'),
('likelihood', '<f8'), ('pos_x', '<f8'), ('pos_y', '<f8'), ('pos_z', '<f8'), ('rec_type', '<i4'),
('t', '<f8'), ('group_id', '<i8')])
members of rec stages:
.idx (corresponding to the track id),
.rec_stage (rec stage identifier, for JMuonGandalf for example: 1=prefit, 2=simplex, 3=gandalf,
4=engery, 5=start),
.group_id (event id in file)
blob : blob containing the reco info
std_reco_info : dict
Dict with the most common std reco params. Can be expanded.
#use this later to identify not reconstructed events
dummy_value = 0
#if there was no std reco at all, this will not exist
#these are events that stopped at/before prefit
rec_stages = blob["RecStages"]
#get first track only
rec_stages_best_track = rec_stages.rec_stage[rec_stages.idx==0]
# often enough: best track is the first
best_track = blob["Tracks"][0]
except KeyError:
rec_stages_best_track = []
print("An event didnt have any reco. Setting everything to" + str(dummy_value) + ".")
#take the direction only if JGanalf was executed
if 3 in rec_stages_best_track:
std_dir_x = best_track["dir_x"]
std_dir_y = best_track["dir_y"]
std_dir_z = best_track["dir_z"]
std_beta0 = best_track["JGANDALF_BETA0_RAD"]
std_lik = best_track["likelihood"]
std_n_hits_gandalf = best_track["JGANDALF_NUMBER_OF_HITS"]
std_dir_x = dummy_value
std_dir_y = dummy_value
std_dir_z = dummy_value
std_beta0 = dummy_value
std_lik = dummy_value
std_n_hits_gandalf = dummy_value
#energy fit from JEnergy
if 4 in rec_stages_best_track:
std_energy = best_track["E"]
lik_energy = best_track["JENERGY_CHI2"]
std_energy = dummy_value
lik_energy = dummy_value
#vertex and length from JStart
if 5 in rec_stages_best_track:
std_pos_x = best_track["pos_x"]
std_pos_y = best_track["pos_y"]
std_pos_z = best_track["pos_z"]
std_length = best_track["JSTART_LENGTH_METRES"]
std_pos_x = dummy_value
std_pos_y = dummy_value
std_pos_z = dummy_value
std_length = dummy_value
std_reco_info = {
return std_reco_info
Function to extract std reco info. The implemented strategy is the following:
First, look for whether a rec stag has been reached and only then extract the reconstructed
paramater from it. If not, set it to a dummy value (for now 0). This means that for an analysis the events with
exactly zero have to be filtered out!
The 'best track' is the first (highest lik) while a certain rec stage has to be reached. This might
have to be adjusted for other recos than JMuonGandalf chain.
Members of the Tracks:
dtype([('E', '<f8'), ('JCOPY_Z_M', '<f4'), ('JENERGY_CHI2', '<f4'), ('JENERGY_ENERGY', '<f4'),
('JSTART_NPE_MIP', '<f4'), ('JSTART_NPE_MIP_TOTAL', '<f4'), ('JVETO_NPE', '<f4'), ('JVETO_NUMBER_OF_HITS', '<f4'),
('dir_x', '<f8'), ('dir_y', '<f8'), ('dir_z', '<f8'), ('id', '<i4'), ('idx', '<i8'), ('length', '<f8'),
('likelihood', '<f8'), ('pos_x', '<f8'), ('pos_y', '<f8'), ('pos_z', '<f8'), ('rec_type', '<i4'),
('t', '<f8'), ('group_id', '<i8')])
members of rec stages:
.idx (corresponding to the track id),
.rec_stage (rec stage identifier, for JMuonGandalf for example: 1=prefit, 2=simplex, 3=gandalf,
4=engery, 5=start),
.group_id (event id in file)
blob : blob containing the reco info
std_reco_info : dict
Dict with the most common std reco params. Can be expanded.
# use this later to identify not reconstructed events
dummy_value = 0
# if there was no std reco at all, this will not exist
# these are events that stopped at/before prefit
rec_stages = blob["RecStages"]
# get first track only
rec_stages_best_track = rec_stages.rec_stage[rec_stages.idx == 0]
# often enough: best track is the first
best_track = blob["Tracks"][0]
except KeyError:
rec_stages_best_track = []
"An event didnt have any reco. Setting everything to"
+ str(dummy_value)
+ "."
# take the direction only if JGanalf was executed
if 3 in rec_stages_best_track:
std_dir_x = best_track["dir_x"]
std_dir_y = best_track["dir_y"]
std_dir_z = best_track["dir_z"]
std_beta0 = best_track["JGANDALF_BETA0_RAD"]
std_lik = best_track["likelihood"]
std_n_hits_gandalf = best_track["JGANDALF_NUMBER_OF_HITS"]
std_dir_x = dummy_value
std_dir_y = dummy_value
std_dir_z = dummy_value
std_beta0 = dummy_value
std_lik = dummy_value
std_n_hits_gandalf = dummy_value
# energy fit from JEnergy
if 4 in rec_stages_best_track:
std_energy = best_track["E"]
lik_energy = best_track["JENERGY_CHI2"]
std_energy = dummy_value
lik_energy = dummy_value
# vertex and length from JStart
if 5 in rec_stages_best_track:
std_pos_x = best_track["pos_x"]
std_pos_y = best_track["pos_y"]
std_pos_z = best_track["pos_z"]
std_length = best_track["JSTART_LENGTH_METRES"]
std_pos_x = dummy_value
std_pos_y = dummy_value
std_pos_z = dummy_value
std_length = dummy_value
std_reco_info = {
"std_dir_x": std_dir_x,
"std_dir_y": std_dir_y,
"std_dir_z": std_dir_z,
"std_beta0": std_beta0,
"std_lik": std_lik,
"std_n_hits_gandalf": std_n_hits_gandalf,
"std_pos_x": std_pos_x,
"std_pos_y": std_pos_y,
"std_pos_z": std_pos_z,
"std_energy": std_energy,
"std_lik_energy": lik_energy,
"std_length": std_length,
return std_reco_info
def get_real_data_info_extr(input_file):
Wrapper function that includes the actual mc_info_extr
for real data. There are no n_gen like in the neutrino case.
input_file : km3net data file
Can be online or offline format.
mc_info_extr : function
The actual mc_info_extr function that holds the extractions.
#check if std reco is present
f = File(input_file,"r")
has_std_reco = "reco" in f.keys()
def mc_info_extr(blob):
Processes a blob and creates the y with mc_info and, if existing, std reco.
For this real data case it is only general event info, like the id.
blob : dict
The blob from the pipeline.
track : dict
Containing all the specified info the y should have.
event_info = blob['EventInfo'][0]
#add n_hits info for the cut
n_hits = len(blob['Hits'])
track = {
'event_id': event_info.event_id,
'run_id': event_info.run_id,
'trigger_mask': event_info.trigger_mask,
'n_hits': n_hits,
#get all the std reco info
if has_std_reco:
std_reco_info = get_std_reco(blob)
return track
return mc_info_extr
Wrapper function that includes the actual mc_info_extr
for real data. There are no n_gen like in the neutrino case.
input_file : km3net data file
Can be online or offline format.
mc_info_extr : function
The actual mc_info_extr function that holds the extractions.
# check if std reco is present
f = File(input_file, "r")
has_std_reco = "reco" in f.keys()
def mc_info_extr(blob):
Processes a blob and creates the y with mc_info and, if existing, std reco.
For this real data case it is only general event info, like the id.
blob : dict
The blob from the pipeline.
track : dict
Containing all the specified info the y should have.
event_info = blob["EventInfo"][0]
# add n_hits info for the cut
n_hits = len(blob["Hits"])
track = {
"event_id": event_info.event_id,
"run_id": event_info.run_id,
"trigger_mask": event_info.trigger_mask,
"n_hits": n_hits,
# get all the std reco info
if has_std_reco:
std_reco_info = get_std_reco(blob)
return track
return mc_info_extr
def get_random_noise_mc_info_extr(input_file):
Wrapper function that includes the actual mc_info_extr
for random noise simulations. There are no n_gen like in the neutrino case.
input_file : km3net data file
Can be online or offline format.
mc_info_extr : function
The actual mc_info_extr function that holds the extractions.
#check if std reco is present
f = File(input_file,"r")
has_std_reco = "reco" in f.keys()
def mc_info_extr(blob):
Processes a blob and creates the y with mc_info and, if existing, std reco.
For this random noise case it is only general event info, like the id.
blob : dict
The blob from the pipeline.
track : dict
Containing all the specified info the y should have.
event_info = blob['EventInfo']
track = {
'event_id': event_info.event_id[0],
'run_id': event_info.run_id[0],
'particle_type': 0,
#get all the std reco info
if has_std_reco:
std_reco_info = get_std_reco(blob)
return track
return mc_info_extr
Wrapper function that includes the actual mc_info_extr
for random noise simulations. There are no n_gen like in the neutrino case.
input_file : km3net data file
Can be online or offline format.
mc_info_extr : function
The actual mc_info_extr function that holds the extractions.
# check if std reco is present
f = File(input_file, "r")
has_std_reco = "reco" in f.keys()
def mc_info_extr(blob):
Processes a blob and creates the y with mc_info and, if existing, std reco.
For this random noise case it is only general event info, like the id.
blob : dict
The blob from the pipeline.
track : dict
Containing all the specified info the y should have.
event_info = blob["EventInfo"]
track = {
"event_id": event_info.event_id[0],
"run_id": event_info.run_id[0],
"particle_type": 0,
# get all the std reco info
if has_std_reco:
std_reco_info = get_std_reco(blob)
return track
return mc_info_extr
def get_neutrino_mc_info_extr(input_file):
Wrapper function that includes the actual mc_info_extr
for neutrino simulations. The n_gen parameter, needed for neutrino weighting
is extracted from the header of the file.
input_file : km3net data file
Can be online or offline format.
mc_info_extr : function
The actual mc_info_extr function that holds the extractions.
#check if std reco is present
f = File(input_file,"r")
has_std_reco = "reco" in f.keys()
#get the n_gen
header = HDF5Header.from_hdf5(input_file)
n_gen = header.genvol.numberOfEvents
def mc_info_extr(blob):
Processes a blob and creates the y with mc_info and, if existing, std reco.
For this neutrino case it is the full mc info for the primary neutrino; there are the several "McTracks":
check the simulation which index "p" the neutrino has.
blob : dict
The blob from the pipeline.
track : dict
Containing all the specified info the y should have.
#get general info about the event
event_id = blob['EventInfo'].event_id[0]
run_id = blob["EventInfo"].run_id[0]
#weights for neutrino analysis
weight_w1 = blob["EventInfo"].weight_w1[0]
weight_w2 = blob["EventInfo"].weight_w2[0]
weight_w3 = blob["EventInfo"].weight_w3[0]
# first, look for the particular neutrino index of the production
p = 0 #for ORCA4 (and probably subsequent productions)
mc_track = blob['McTracks'][p]
#some track mc truth info
particle_type = mc_track.type
energy =
is_cc =
bjorkeny =
dir_x, dir_y, dir_z = mc_track.dir_x, mc_track.dir_y, mc_track.dir_z
time_interaction = mc_track.time # actually always 0 for primary neutrino, measured in MC time
vertex_pos_x, vertex_pos_y, vertex_pos_z = mc_track.pos_x, mc_track.pos_y, mc_track.pos_z
#add also the nhits info
n_hits = len(blob['Hits'])
track = {'event_id': event_id, 'particle_type': particle_type, 'energy': energy, 'is_cc': is_cc,
'bjorkeny': bjorkeny, 'dir_x': dir_x, 'dir_y': dir_y, 'dir_z': dir_z,
'time_interaction': time_interaction, 'run_id': run_id, 'vertex_pos_x': vertex_pos_x,
'vertex_pos_y': vertex_pos_y, 'vertex_pos_z': vertex_pos_z,
'n_hits': n_hits,
'weight_w1': weight_w1,'weight_w2': weight_w2,'weight_w3': weight_w3,
#get all the std reco info
if has_std_reco:
std_reco_info = get_std_reco(blob)
return track
return mc_info_extr
Wrapper function that includes the actual mc_info_extr
for neutrino simulations. The n_gen parameter, needed for neutrino weighting
is extracted from the header of the file.
input_file : km3net data file
Can be online or offline format.
mc_info_extr : function
The actual mc_info_extr function that holds the extractions.
# check if std reco is present
f = File(input_file, "r")
has_std_reco = "reco" in f.keys()
# get the n_gen
header = HDF5Header.from_hdf5(input_file)
n_gen = header.genvol.numberOfEvents
def mc_info_extr(blob):
Processes a blob and creates the y with mc_info and, if existing, std reco.
For this neutrino case it is the full mc info for the primary neutrino; there are the several "McTracks":
check the simulation which index "p" the neutrino has.
blob : dict
The blob from the pipeline.
track : dict
Containing all the specified info the y should have.
# get general info about the event
event_id = blob["EventInfo"].event_id[0]
run_id = blob["EventInfo"].run_id[0]
# weights for neutrino analysis
weight_w1 = blob["EventInfo"].weight_w1[0]
weight_w2 = blob["EventInfo"].weight_w2[0]
weight_w3 = blob["EventInfo"].weight_w3[0]
# first, look for the particular neutrino index of the production
p = 0 # for ORCA4 (and probably subsequent productions)
mc_track = blob["McTracks"][p]
# some track mc truth info
particle_type = mc_track.type
energy =
is_cc =
bjorkeny =
dir_x, dir_y, dir_z = mc_track.dir_x, mc_track.dir_y, mc_track.dir_z
time_interaction = (
) # actually always 0 for primary neutrino, measured in MC time
vertex_pos_x, vertex_pos_y, vertex_pos_z = (
# add also the nhits info
n_hits = len(blob["Hits"])
track = {
"event_id": event_id,
"particle_type": particle_type,
"energy": energy,
"is_cc": is_cc,
"bjorkeny": bjorkeny,
"dir_x": dir_x,
"dir_y": dir_y,
"dir_z": dir_z,
"time_interaction": time_interaction,
"run_id": run_id,
"vertex_pos_x": vertex_pos_x,
"vertex_pos_y": vertex_pos_y,
"vertex_pos_z": vertex_pos_z,
"n_hits": n_hits,
"weight_w1": weight_w1,
"weight_w2": weight_w2,
"weight_w3": weight_w3,
"n_gen": n_gen,
# get all the std reco info
if has_std_reco:
std_reco_info = get_std_reco(blob)
return track
return mc_info_extr
def get_muon_mc_info_extr(input_file):
Wrapper function that includes the actual mc_info_extr
for atm. muon simulations. There are no n_gen like in the neutrino case.
input_file : km3net data file
Can be online or offline format.
mc_info_extr : function
The actual mc_info_extr function that holds the extractions.
#check if std reco is present
f = File(input_file,"r")
has_std_reco = "reco" in f.keys()
#no n_gen here, but needed for concatenation
n_gen = 1
def mc_info_extr(blob):
Processes a blob and creates the y with mc_info and, if existing, std reco.
For this atm. muon case it is the full mc info for the primary; there are the several "McTracks":
check the simulation to understand what "p" you want. Muons come in bundles that have the same direction.
For energy: sum of all muons in a bundle,
for vertex: weighted (energy) mean of the individual vertices .
blob : dict
The blob from the pipeline.
track : dict
Containing all the specified info the y should have.
event_id = blob['EventInfo'].event_id[0]
run_id = blob["EventInfo"].run_id[0]
p = 0 #for ORCA4 (and probably subsequent productions)
mc_track = blob['McTracks'][p]
particle_type = mc_track.type # assumed that this is the same for all muons in a bundle
is_cc = # always 0 actually
bjorkeny =
time_interaction = mc_track.time # same for all muons in a bundle
# sum up the energy of all muons
energy = np.sum(blob['McTracks'].energy)
# all muons in a bundle are parallel, so just take dir of first muon
dir_x, dir_y, dir_z = mc_track.dir_x, mc_track.dir_y, mc_track.dir_z
# vertex is the weighted (energy) mean of the individual vertices
vertex_pos_x = np.average(blob['McTracks'][p:].pos_x, weights=blob['McTracks'][p:].energy)
vertex_pos_y = np.average(blob['McTracks'][p:].pos_y, weights=blob['McTracks'][p:].energy)
vertex_pos_z = np.average(blob['McTracks'][p:].pos_z, weights=blob['McTracks'][p:].energy)
#add also the nhits info
n_hits = len(blob['Hits'])
#this is only relevant for neutrinos, though dummy info is needed for the concatenation
weight_w1 = 10
weight_w2 = 10
weight_w3 = 10
track = {'event_id': event_id, 'particle_type': particle_type, 'energy': energy, 'is_cc': is_cc,
'bjorkeny': bjorkeny, 'dir_x': dir_x, 'dir_y': dir_y, 'dir_z': dir_z,
'time_interaction': time_interaction, 'run_id': run_id, 'vertex_pos_x': vertex_pos_x,
'vertex_pos_y': vertex_pos_y, 'vertex_pos_z': vertex_pos_z,
'n_hits': n_hits,
'weight_w1': weight_w1,'weight_w2': weight_w2,'weight_w3': weight_w3,
#get all the std reco info
if has_std_reco:
std_reco_info = get_std_reco(blob)
return track
return mc_info_extr
Wrapper function that includes the actual mc_info_extr
for atm. muon simulations. There are no n_gen like in the neutrino case.
input_file : km3net data file
Can be online or offline format.
mc_info_extr : function
The actual mc_info_extr function that holds the extractions.
# check if std reco is present
f = File(input_file, "r")
has_std_reco = "reco" in f.keys()
# no n_gen here, but needed for concatenation
n_gen = 1
def mc_info_extr(blob):
Processes a blob and creates the y with mc_info and, if existing, std reco.
For this atm. muon case it is the full mc info for the primary; there are the several "McTracks":
check the simulation to understand what "p" you want. Muons come in bundles that have the same direction.
For energy: sum of all muons in a bundle,
for vertex: weighted (energy) mean of the individual vertices .
blob : dict
The blob from the pipeline.
track : dict
Containing all the specified info the y should have.
event_id = blob["EventInfo"].event_id[0]
run_id = blob["EventInfo"].run_id[0]
p = 0 # for ORCA4 (and probably subsequent productions)
mc_track = blob["McTracks"][p]
particle_type = (
) # assumed that this is the same for all muons in a bundle
is_cc = # always 0 actually
bjorkeny =
time_interaction = mc_track.time # same for all muons in a bundle
# sum up the energy of all muons
energy = np.sum(blob["McTracks"].energy)
# all muons in a bundle are parallel, so just take dir of first muon
dir_x, dir_y, dir_z = mc_track.dir_x, mc_track.dir_y, mc_track.dir_z
# vertex is the weighted (energy) mean of the individual vertices
vertex_pos_x = np.average(
blob["McTracks"][p:].pos_x, weights=blob["McTracks"][p:].energy
vertex_pos_y = np.average(
blob["McTracks"][p:].pos_y, weights=blob["McTracks"][p:].energy
vertex_pos_z = np.average(
blob["McTracks"][p:].pos_z, weights=blob["McTracks"][p:].energy
# add also the nhits info
n_hits = len(blob["Hits"])
# this is only relevant for neutrinos, though dummy info is needed for the concatenation
weight_w1 = 10
weight_w2 = 10
weight_w3 = 10
track = {
"event_id": event_id,
"particle_type": particle_type,
"energy": energy,
"is_cc": is_cc,
"bjorkeny": bjorkeny,
"dir_x": dir_x,
"dir_y": dir_y,
"dir_z": dir_z,
"time_interaction": time_interaction,
"run_id": run_id,
"vertex_pos_x": vertex_pos_x,
"vertex_pos_y": vertex_pos_y,
"vertex_pos_z": vertex_pos_z,
"n_hits": n_hits,
"weight_w1": weight_w1,
"weight_w2": weight_w2,
"weight_w3": weight_w3,
"n_gen": n_gen,
# get all the std reco info
if has_std_reco:
std_reco_info = get_std_reco(blob)
return track
return mc_info_extr